It was established in 2009 by Kelli McCreery M Env Mgt (Natural Systems). Kelli has worked since 1996 as a consultant botanist in EIA in Western Australia. This has included over 180 botanical surveys across the state for mining, NGO’s, government, industry and land development projects. Please see project map and for more detail on her work history.
Kelli’s strengths consist of a broad industry knowledge, an understanding of EIA requirements and the experience and motivation to provide quality botanical surveys that are suitable for their purpose.
- Flora and vegetation surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
- Flora and vegetation surveys for Clearing Permits
- Surveys in line with Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Technical Guidance.
- Flora identifications and inventories.
- Rare flora surveys.
- Weed surveys.
- Vegetation type descriptions and mapping.
- Vegetation condition assessments and mapping.
- Data management and statistical analysis.
- Reporting requirements suitable for use in all state and federal environmental and planning assessment processes.